Gazette November 2021
Next event – Wednesday 17th November
We Speak Shakespeare (but we don’t know it)


Hi Subscriber,

Well, here we go again! This Wednesday 17th November at 9pm there’s another English Club Event!

And what are we going to do? We’re going to speak Shakespeare!

NO, it isn’t difficult!  Some students from Liceo Bramante in Magenta have been working hard just for you!  They will be telling us about a play they have studied and then … it’s your turn. You’d be surprised how many phrases you use, in English of course, that were invented by Shakespeare. About four hundred years ago!! So let’s see if you know what they really mean!

As usual please book  a place as there are still covid restrictions, and, of course, don’t forget your green pass.

So remember to join us WEDNESDAY 17 TH NOVEMBER 9pm in Casa Giacobbe (Sala Conferenze) Via IV Giugno 80 – Magenta.

Bye for now…


——- We deliver  our Gazette to keep you updated about the Club activities! Follow us on Facebook and visit our web site for more information.