Next event – Wednesday 16th February
An American dream: cycling coast to coast
Hi Subscriber,
Well, here we go again! This Wednesday 16th February at 9pm there’s another English Club Event!
After a few cancellations we have finally managed to organise our Club meeting in February.
Rita Sozzi has kindly accepted to help us out this month. So, on Wednesday 16th February we’re travelling from San Francisco to New York City… by bicycle! 6600km of adventure, history, nature and culture together with Rita (known as the Volpe a Pedali) and her friend Gigi Mondani.
You can find more info about her adventures following this link: www.volpeapedali.wixsite.com/ritasozzi
So, we hope to see you in Magenta, Casa Giacobbe (Sala Conferenze) WEDNESDAY 16th FEBRUARY AT 9 pm.
Free admission for English Club Members, friends are welcome with a small voluntary contribution.
Due to COVID restrictions places are limited so it is essential to have a SUPER GREEN PASS and BOOK A PLACE via email or Whatsapp (we will send you confirmation) .
Bye for now…
email: info@magenta-englishclub.org
WhatsApp: 348 261 3328
——- We deliver our Gazette to keep you updated about the Club activities! Follow us on Facebook and visit our web site www.magenta-englishclub.org for more information.